Always current: With ELI linguistic magazines you will be able to pique your students' curiosity with the most interesting current events, and get closer to their interests. Easy to use and always current, the magazines offer up-to-date material.
Culture Studies: A wide range of cultural items are included in the magazines to involve the students in the reality of the country. Large poster photographs, brief current events, interviews and forums offer a varied panorama of current events, curiosities and traditions.
5 magazines 5 didactic units: Each magazine corresponds to a didactic unit, clearly structured and easy to use in class or at home. In every unit the lexis, grammatical structures and functions are found throughout the various pages, with the intent of facilitating learning and memorizing.
Current Events: The magazines supply the utmost up-to-date news, impossible to find in any course book.
Personalities: The most loved and current personalities (singers, sportsmen, actors, directors) involve the emotive sphere and are presented for their engagements in helping others and the environment.
About Voila magazine ...
The magazine: A fun and effective introduction to basic French. Voila is full of attractive features such as interactive illustrated vocabulary pages, games, cartoons and project pages. Aspects of culture are introduced with captivating photos accompanied by short, simple descriptions. The magazine is 16 pages long.
Audio: With readings from a selection of articles in the magazine. Available for FREE via download with Issue 1.
Teacher's Guide: The Guide is available for FREE via download with Issue 1 and includes:
A short guide on how to use the magazines.
The Syllabus.
Photocopiable activities.
Language portfolio.
End of year self-assessment exercises.
Photocopiable material on culture studies
Delivery schedule: Magazines are published and shipped 5 times a year between October and May.
Shipping and handling: Price includes shipping. ** NEW Shipping Options: **
Ship with tracking: Each shipment will have a tracking number. If shipment is not received, it will be replaced.
Ship without tracking: Shipments will not have tracking numbers and will not be replaced if not received.
Available discounts:Significant volume and/or freight discounts are available for purchases of class sets. For more information, please contact us
La revue a été pensée pour rendre accessible le français
de base aux enfants, en leur donnant les premières
informations sur la civilisation francophone.
Dictionnaires illustrés actifs qui permettent une
mémorisation facile et immédiate, jeux nombreux et
variés, photos, comptines, activités créatives, bandes
dessinées et autocollants pour apprendre en s’amusant.
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